I've been juggling family life with homeschooling and squeezing a few photography moments in between the hectic day-to-day!
And here, on my oldest dinosaur of a hard drive, I have found some of the very first favorite pictures I have. Those of my son sleeping. But first recent sleeping newborn babies
And I love them! Sleeping baby's are the BEST!

Now back to my little boy...
My sleeping boy! I remember he was getting over his first bout of sickness. Something like flu.
He looks like an angel, doesn't he? So precious and sweet.
Sleeping children are generally amazing to photograph on family sessions. Slumbering faces are so still and serene.
It's a great way to experiment with different camera angles & perspectives. From above.
From below. From the sides. Up close, and pulled further back. Baby's not moving which makes it easier to play with the storytelling aspect of natural family photography.
His face was a little flushed from fever. All the details add to the authentic child portrait.
Here is just a small sample of those I took that afternoon.
Sleeping babies & children also have some pretty cute gestures.
In these personal family portraits, my little boy clasped his hands as though in prayer...I especially love the hand gesture in these and he did this totally naturally!
Also, with newborns, babies and toddlers, it is possible to arrange them on beautiful throws and patterned fabrics. Also great to include a few favorite cuddly toys.
Or else keep it totally natural.
The arrangement here was purely as it was at the time.
I never know what is going to come up on a family photo shoot in Dublin. Whether it's an at home session or a place outdoors, small children and babies are chaotic by nature. They are totally in the moment. Feeding, playing, and of course sleeping.
I like to be prepared for the unexpected moments & roll with it. That's often where the best family pictures come from anyways. Those unscripted moments of pure connection! Those you can't plan for.
It was certainly a trip down memory lane going back through my haul of pictures on my ancient hard drive. My pictures span all the way back to babyhood.
I have had to edit these pictures super fast because I am rushed off my feet, but that's just the way things are the moment.
Stay safe & well everyone, I hope we see that chink of light at the end of the tunnel soon
For professional family photographer Dublin sessions, please contact me. International award winning child portrait photography. I am specialized in natural & emotive child & baby portraits.
With a sprinkle of love added
Cara x
